
Jun 4, 20231 min

June News

Dear yogis,

This month sees the Summer Solstice, yes, apparently it is summer, I'm hoping that there will be more opportunities for yoga outside. The Summer Solstice or Litha festival, as it's known to Wiccans, will be 21 June this year when the yoga tradition is to do 108 Sun Salutations on the longest day. Even if you just do 1, every habit has to start somewhere. I have included a video of a modified SS if you want to practice at home.

Classes are quite limited this month as I have another 4 days yoga therapy training and a week off. So you can expect some more new things in classes from Monday 19.

No classes on:

Monday 5 June - Friday 9 June

Thursday 15 June - Friday 16 June.

Coherent Breathing

If you have an iPhone you can download the breathing app that I have been using, it's completely free.


This month there is a family yoga session on 25 March.

Run Club is on a Wed night at 6.30pm it's a mixture of ages and there is running and walking as well as strengthening and stretching aspects for each session. It's non-judgemental and a sociable group. It's women only and we even have a female dog that joins in! If you want to do some cardio vascular work and have never run before come and have a go.

Coming soon

I will be teaching a modified timetable during the summer and will be including some kids yoga sessions as well. It should be ready in the next couple of weeks.

Enjoy the warmer weather.

See you on the mat


Louise 🙏
