
Apr 42 min

It’s what month?

Dear yogis,

I'm sure many of you are feeling a little like me and wondering how on earth we are at April already!? Whilst eating your Easter Eggs (can you start before Easter? How many is too many?) take a moment and think about everything you have achieved already this year (no negatives only positives). We tend to feel a little more positive at this time of year as we have the longer days and warmer weather and you might start to notice your body may feel it is unwinding, muscles flexing and bone strength improving. Try taking a moment to feel gratitude for all that part of or all of your body does.

We have been focussing on grounding through the body and breath over the past few weeks to prepare us for our 'time to fly' as we feel stronger and ready for new challenges. This means that some of the classes have changed focus slightly and you are still welcome at your usual class, don't worry about the description. You can do it!

After Easter we are going to focus on building strength (body and mind); lengthening and smoothing out fascia; finding ways that work for you if you have chronic pain; somatic movement and forward folds.


From Monday 15 April all classes are back with a few tweaks and additions:

Mon. 9.15AM. Intermediate Yoga - Power Yoga

10.30AM. Gentle Yoga and Relaxation

5.30PM. Yoga for Men

6.45PM. Intermediate Yoga - Power Yoga

Tues. 9.15AM. Yoga for Golf

10.30AM. Yoga for Golf.

Thurs. 9.15AM. Yin Yoga and Meditation/Relaxation

10.30AM. Gentle Yoga and Relaxation

6.45PM. Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga

8.00PM. Yin Yoga and Meditation/Relaxation

Fri. 9.30AM. Beginners and Improvers - mix of yoga styles, breathwork and relaxation


Malachy McHugh: How stretching actually changes your muscles

Really interesting quick explanation of the changes that take place during stretches, the impact of stretching everyday and how long the benefits last.


Hope to see you on the mat soon,


